The Rock of Safety

Posted on May 31, 2013 at 6:00 am by wpadmin Comments Off on The Rock of Safety

My friend Mona Rae is going to Israel with a church group next week and I envy her. While I have been to Israel numerous times, I would love to go again. Alas, other commitments prevent my joining her.

The land of Israel is so full of history. Once you have been there, the Bible comes alive as you remember being on the road to Bethany Jesus where walked as he went to see his friend, Lazarus. Or sitting by the Sea of Galilee as Jesus did. Perhaps you may go to Capernaum or visit the hillside where Jesus fed the 5,000, so many places and events come to life as you travel the land Jesus walked.

While on one such journey, our guide led us to walk on an old rutted road from Jerusalem to Jericho where Jesus walked as he traveled there. As we rounded a small hillside, I saw a little animal scurry down into a hole in the rocks. Upon inquiry of the guide, I discovered it was a Coney, a little animal that seems to live only in Israel. In fact, it is mentioned in the Bible.

The shadow of a hawk flying high overhead or the soft step of a coyote brings terror to the heart of the diminutive Coney, living in the rocky hills of Galilee. He resembles a small brown rabbit, except for his very short fur and tiny round ears. It describes them in Proverbs 30:26 where it says, “Conies are creatures of little power, yet they make their home in the crags.”

Sometimes in our fast-paced world, I feel like the Coney – totally defenseless. How thankful the little Coney must be as he does the one thing he can to protect himself which God has put in his instincts. He knows to run into the shadows of the rocky crevices. There he will be safe.

So it is with me. Sometimes I am harassed and stressed, or I have too many demands on my day or I’m disturbed by events over which I have no control. It is then I feel that the hawks and coyotes of this world are closing in. How thankful I am that I can turn from these threats and run to Jesus, my Rock of safety. There I can hide in peace and security while God works on my problems. Jesus has never once failed me when I have remembered to seek my refuge in Him.

Prayer: Father, sometimes it seems I am so stressed in today’s world. Thank You for Your presence in my life….the Rock I may run to for safety, peace and security. Amen.