
Author Profile

Samantha Landy’s journey as wife, mother, entrepreneur, TV host, author, business woman, and speaker has centered on one thing — her walk with the Lord.

Whether through the written or spoken word, Samantha eloquently relates the personal lessons she has learned through the joys and pains of her life with fearless honesty. Though she ministers to a variety of groups, Samantha is particularly equipped to inspire singles, having experienced both a painful divorce in her younger years and thirteen years ago, the death of her husband after 25 years of marriage.

In 1986, she founded Christian Celebrity Luncheons, a one-of-a-kind ministry that has hosted a dynamic list of high-profile Christians and inspired and touched thousands of lives. She has appeared on nationally broadcasted television programs including The 700 Club, Living the Life, 100 Huntley Street, Back on Course, The Hour of Healing, Talk of the Desert, TLN Live and many others, including programs on TBN.

Samantha also makes frequent radio appearances. Her interviews have challenged and changed radio audiences from KSPO in Spokane, WA, to The Oasis Network in Tulsa, OK. Her new weekly radio program, Psalms of Hope airs internationally, coming out of Jerusalem, covering especially the Middle East, and around the world on Sky Angel. And it is also on the Internet at

Samantha has served on numerous national Christian boards and currently serves on the Guideposts National Advisory Cabinet. She has authored a number of inspirational books, including Dining with Desert Celebrities, New Beginnings, Reflections, God’s Creatures, A Shalom Morning, The Way…As I See It, Savvy Singles Handbook, Living Network Notebook, Savvy Senior Sabbaticals, and her most recent work, Savvy Singles’ Relationship Secrets. She has written countless articles for publications such as Guideposts, The Plus Magazine, The Christian Communicator, Aglow Magazine, and Haven of Rest.

Samantha’s last two books received the coveted Angel Award from Excellence in Media; Savvy Singles Handbook in 2006 and Savvy Singles’ Relationship Secrets in 2009.